- 19:4 哈嫩便将大卫臣仆的胡须剃去一半,又割掉他们下半截的衣服,使他们露出下体,然后打发他们回去。
- 19:4 So Hanun took David's servants and shaved them and cut away half their garments at the hips, and he sent them away.
- 19:4 哈嫩便将大卫臣仆的胡须剃去一半、又割断他们下半截的衣服、使他们露出下体、打发他们回去。
- 19:4 And Hanun took David's servants, and had them shaved, and their raiment cut off in the midst, as far as the hip, and sent them away.
- 19:4 Wherefore Hanun took David's servants , and shaved them , and cut off their garments in the midst hard by their buttocks , and sent them away .