- 32:11 你们义人应当因耶和华喜乐欢腾;你们心里正直的人,都当欢呼。
- 32:11 Rejoice in Jehovah and exult, O righteous ones; / And give a ringing shout, all you who are upright in heart.
- 32:11 你们义人应当靠耶和华欢喜快乐,你们心里正直的人、都当欢呼。
- 32:11 Rejoice in Jehovah, and be glad, ye righteous; and shout for joy, all ye upright in heart.
- 32:11 Be glad in the LORD , and rejoice , ye righteous : and shout for joy , all [ ye that are ] upright in heart .