- 9:13 耶和华阿,你是从死门把我提拔起来的;求你恩待我,看那恨我的人所加给我的苦难,
- 9:13 Be gracious to me, O Jehovah; look on my affliction from those who hate me, / You who raise me from the gates of death,
- 9:13 耶和华阿、你是从死门把我提拔起来的,求你怜恤我,看那恨我的人所加给我的苦难。
- 9:13 Be gracious unto me, O Jehovah; consider mine affliction from them that hate me, lifting me up from the gates of death:
- 9:13 Have mercy upon me , O LORD ; consider my trouble [ which I suffer ] of them that hate me , thou that liftest me up from the gates of death :