- 9:16 耶和华已将自己显明了,祂已施行公理;恶人被自己手所作的缠住了。〔希该昂细拉〕
- 9:16 Jehovah has made Himself known; He has executed justice; / The wicked have been snared in the work of their hands. Higgaion. Selah.
- 9:16 耶和华已将自己显明了、他已施行审判,恶人被自己手所作的缠住了。〔或作他叫恶人被自己手所作的累住了〕〔细拉〕
- 9:16 Jehovah is known [ by ] the judgment he hath executed: the wicked is ensnared in the work of his own hands. Higgaion. Selah.
- 9:16 The LORD is known [ by ] the judgment [ which ] he executeth : the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands . Higgaion . Selah .