- 13:22 豺狼必在巴比伦的宫中呼应,野狗必在华美的殿内呼号。巴比伦受罚的时候临近,她的日子必不久延。
- 13:22 Hyenas will respond in their citadels, / And jackals in their exquisite palaces. / Her time is about to come, / And her days will not be prolonged.
- 13:22 豺狼必在他宫中呼号,野狗必在他华美殿内吼叫,巴比伦受罚的时候临近、他的日子、必不长久。
- 13:22 And jackals shall cry to one another in their palaces, and wild dogs in the pleasant castles. And her time is near to come, and her days shall not be prolonged.
- 13:22 And the wild beasts of the islands shall cry in their desolate houses , and dragons in [ their ] pleasant palaces : and her time [ is ] near to come , and her days shall not be prolonged .