- 14:1 当耶和华怜恤雅各,再拣选以色列,将他们安置在本地时,寄居的必与他们联合,紧贴雅各家。
- 14:1 When Jehovah has compassion on Jacob and again chooses Israel and settles them in their land, the sojourners will join them and attach themselves to the house of Jacob.
- 14:1 耶和华要怜恤雅各、必再拣选以色列、将他们安置在本地,寄居的必与他们联合、紧贴雅各家。
- 14:1 For Jehovah will have mercy on Jacob, and will yet choose Israel, and set them in rest in their own land; and the stranger shall be united to them, and they shall be joined to the house of Jacob.
- 14:1 For the LORD will have mercy on Jacob , and will yet choose Israel , and set them in their own land : and the strangers shall be joined with them , and they shall cleave to the house of Jacob .