- 16:14 但现在耶和华说,三年之内,照雇工年数的算法,摩押的荣耀及其所有的群众,必被藐视,余剩的人必稀少无几。
- 16:14 And now Jehovah has spoken, saying, Within three years, like the years of a hired man, the glory of Moab will be disgraced, with all its great multitude, and its remnant will be small-a mere trifle, nothing great.
- 16:14 但现在耶和华说、三年之内、照雇工的年数、摩押的荣耀、与他的群众、必被藐视、余剩的人、甚少无几。
- 16:14 And now Jehovah speaketh saying, Within three years, as the years of a hired servant, and the glory of Moab shall be brought to nothing, with all that great multitude; and the remnant shall be small, few, of no account.
- 16:14 But now the LORD hath spoken , saying , Within three years , as the years of an hireling , and the glory of Moab shall be contemned , with all that great multitude ; and the remnant [ shall be ] very small [ and ] feeble .