- 10:35 约柜往前行的时候,摩西就说,耶和华阿,求你兴起,愿你的仇敌四散;愿恨你的人从你面前逃跑。
- 10:35 And when the Ark set out, Moses said, Rise up, O Jehovah, and let Your enemies be scattered; / And let those who hate You flee before You.
- 10:35 约柜往前行的时候、摩西就说、耶和华阿、求你兴起、愿你的仇敌四散、愿恨你的人从你面前逃跑。
- 10:35 And it came to pass when the ark set forward, that Moses said, Rise up, Jehovah, and let thine enemies be scattered; And let them that hate thee flee before thy face.
- 10:35 And it came to pass , when the ark set forward , that Moses said , Rise up , LORD , and let thine enemies be scattered ; and let them that hate thee flee before thee .