- 11:1 百姓因艰苦发怨言,声音达到耶和华的耳中;耶和华听见了就怒气发作,耶和华的火便在他们中间焚烧,烧灭了在营边界的一些人。
- 11:1 And the people became like those who murmur about their misfortune in the ears of Jehovah; and when Jehovah heard it, His anger was kindled, and the fire of Jehovah burned among them and consumed some at the outskirts of the camp.
- 11:1 众百姓发怨言、他们的恶语达到耶和华的耳中,耶和华听见了就怒气发作、使火在他们中间焚烧、直烧到营的边界。
- 11:1 And it came to pass that when the people murmured, it was evil in the ears of Jehovah; and Jehovah heard it, and his anger was kindled, and the fire of Jehovah burned among them, and consumed [ some ] in the extremity of the camp.
- 11:1 And [ when ] the people complained , it displeased the LORD : and the LORD heard [ it ; ] and his anger was kindled ; and the fire of the LORD burnt among them , and consumed [ them that were ] in the uttermost parts of the camp .