- 14:16 耶和华因为不能把这百姓领进祂起誓要赐给他们之地,所以在旷野把他们杀了。
- 14:16 Because Jehovah was not able to bring this people into the land which He swore to give them, He has therefore slaughtered them in the wilderness.
- 14:16 耶和华因为不能把这百姓领进他向他们起誓应许之地、所以在旷野把他们杀了。
- 14:16 Because Jehovah was not able to bring this people into the land that he had sworn unto them, he has therefore slain them in the wilderness.
- 14:16 Because the LORD was not able to bring this people into the land which he sware unto them , therefore he hath slain them in the wilderness .