- 14:22 犹大(不是那加略人)问耶稣说,主阿,为什么要亲自向我们显现,不向世人显现?
- 14:22 Judas, not Iscariot, said to Him, Lord, and what has happened that You are to manifest Yourself to us and not to the world?
- 14:22 犹大(不是加略人犹大)问耶稣说、主阿、为什么要向我们显现、不向世人显现呢。
- 14:22 Judas, not the Iscariote, says to him, Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself to us and not to the world?
- 14:22 Judas saith unto him , not Iscariot , Lord , how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us , and not unto the world ?