- 17:11 你在栽种的日子,仔细圈上篱笆,又在早晨使你所种的开花;但在忧患、伤痛无法医治的日子,所收割的不过一小堆。
- 17:11 On the day that you plant them you fence them in carefully, / And in the morning you bring your seed to blossom; / But the harvest is a heap on a day of sickness / And incurable pain.
- 17:11 栽种的日子、你周围圈上篱笆、又到早晨使你所种的开花,但在愁苦极其伤痛的日子、所收割的、都飞去了。
- 17:11 in the day of thy planting wilt thou make [ them ] to grow, and on the morrow wilt thou make thy seed to flourish; [ but ] the harvest will flee in the day of taking possession, and the sorrow will be incurable.
- 17:11 In the day shalt thou make thy plant to grow , and in the morning shalt thou make thy seed to flourish : [ but ] the harvest [ shall be ] a heap in the day of grief and of desperate sorrow .