- 17:12 祸哉!多民哄嚷,哄嚷犹如海浪匉訇;列邦喧哗,喧哗犹如猛水滔滔;
- 17:12 Woe! The roar of many peoples, / Who roar like the roaring of the seas; / The din of nations, / Who crash like the crashing of mighty waters!
- 17:12 唉、多民哄嚷、好像海浪匉訇,列邦奔腾、好像猛水滔滔,
- 17:12 Ha! a tumult of many peoples! they make a noise as the noise of the seas; --and the rushing of nations! they rush as the rushing of mighty waters.
- 17:12 Woe to the multitude of many people , [ which ] make a noise like the noise of the seas ; and to the rushing of nations , [ that ] make a rushing like the rushing of mighty waters !