- 21:7 他看见骑马的,是一对一对骑马的,又看见骑驴的、骑骆驼的,就留心听,极其留心。
- 21:7 And he saw riders, / A team of horsemen; / Riders of donkeys, / Riders of camels; / And he attends with attention, / With much attention.
- 21:7 他看见军队、就是骑马的一对一对地来、又看见驴队、骆驼队、就要侧耳细听。
- 21:7 And he saw chariots, horsemen by pairs, a chariot with asses, a chariot with camels; and he hearkened diligently with much heed.
- 21:7 And he saw a chariot [ with ] a couple of horsemen , a chariot of asses , [ and ] a chariot of camels ; and he hearkened diligently with much heed :