- 21:8 他像狮子吼叫,说,主阿,我白日不断站在望楼上,整夜立在我守望所。
- 21:8 And he calls out like a lion: / On the watchtower, Lord, / I stand continually by day; / At my guardpost / I am stationed / Every night.
- 21:8 他像狮子吼叫、说、主阿、我白日常站在望楼上、整夜立在我守望所,
- 21:8 And he cried [ as ] a lion, Lord, I stand continually upon the watchtower in the daytime, and I am set in my ward whole nights.
- 21:8 And he cried , A lion : My lord , I stand continually upon the watchtower in the daytime , and I am set in my ward whole nights :