- 15:16 他若对你说,我不愿意离开你,是因他爱你和你的家,他在你那里很好;
- 15:16 And if he says to you, I will not go forth from you, because he loves you and your household, for it goes well with him to be with you;
- 15:16 他若对你说、我不愿意离开你、是因他爱你和你的家、且因在你那里很好、
- 15:16 And it shall be, if he say unto thee, I will not go away from thee, --because he loveth thee and thy house, because he is well with thee, --
- 15:16 And it shall be , if he say unto thee , I will not go away from thee ; because he loveth thee and thine house , because he is well with thee ;